Dibalik lagu "Kafir" dari band Nile

Siapa yang gak kenal band technical death metal dari amerika ini?
NILE yang ternyata dengan liriknya yang paling konterversial "kafir" saya dulu mengira bahwa band ini benar2 membela islam dengan mengatasnamakan kafir buat mengejek yang penyembah, dan ternyata...???. hmm ternyata dibalik itu semua dia benar2 merubah kata dan makna dalam Al Qur'an.
saya cari-cari info tentang mereka personilnya adalah penganut agnostisisme (percaya tuhan tapi tidak percaya agama) dan bukan orang Timur Tengah, tapi di lagu pembuka album "Those Whom The Gods Detest" yang artinya "mereka yang membenci para dewa"

keunikan lagu ini berdasarkan penilaian warna musik di antaranya:

1. lirik yang tidak biasa
2. ada kalimat "Allahu Akbar" dgn cara suara deathgrunt (geraman maut)
3. ambiance yang ada di lagu ini tidak hanya melodi atau breakdown, atau hanya sekedar headbanging, dan bahkan bukan instrumen musik lain, taph suara azan Makkah (yaitu potongan "asyhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah" (aku bersaksi bahwa muhammad adalah utusan Allah 2x >>kedengaran sangat enak ne hehhehee
dan "hayya 'alash shalah" 1x (mari menunaikan sholat) wah,bagi kita yang tidak terlalu perhatikan akan melayang dengan ini lirik.
4. melodi yang tidak monoton
5. coda lagu ini juga terdapat suara azan Mesir (yaitu potongan "asyhadu anlaa ilaaha illallaah")

Oke, yang belum denger, coba putar dulu lagunya ini

and this is their lyric:

There is no god (tiada tuhan)
There is no god (tiada tuhan)
There is no god (tiada tuhan)
There is no god (tidak ada tuhan)

Kafir! (kafir!)

kalimat "there's no god but god" adalah terjemahan dari kalimat:

لا إله إلا الله
laa ilaaha illallaah (tahlil Islam)

"there's no god but God"

tapi di lirik itu, kata "god" yang kedua, huruf g ga dibikin kapital, jadi bisa diartikan:

"tidak ada tuhan selain dewa"  DEWA ITU TIDAK ADA DALAM ISLAM

kemudian, baris-baris berikutnya hanya tertulis "there's no god" (TIDAK ADATUHAN)

jadi,Menurut saya lagu ini tentang seseorang yang mulai goyah imannya



In the name.. of the lord of the worlds (dengan nama Penguasa Alam Semesta)

Owner of the day of judgement (Penguasa Hari Pembalasan)

Show us the path of those who earn anger (Tunjukilah kami jalan yang Kau murkai) __>> SEHARUSNYA TUNJUKILAH KALI JALAN YANG LURUS  "" Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus, (yaitu) jalan-jalan yang telah Engkau anugerahkan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan) mereka yang sesat.” [Surah Al-Faatihah: 6-7]


As for the disbelievers (adapun orang-orang kafir itu)
Al Baqarah: 6 »Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir, sama saja bagi mereka, kamu beri peringatan atau tidak kamu beri peringatan, mereka tidak juga akan beriman. (QS. 2:6)

Whether thou warn them or warn them not (baik kamu beri peringatan atau tidak)

is all one for them (sama saja bagi mereka)

They believe not (mereka tidak akan beriman)

And theirs is an awful doom (dan bagi mereka siksaan yang amat pedih)

Kafir! (kafir!)

pada rima pertama, itu adalah plesetan dari Surah Al-Fatihah...

yaitu, Iblis yang akhirnya menjadi atheis itu mencela Tuhan, dia bersumpah untuk 2 sosok;

1. setan (The Unmerciful and The Unbenevolent)
2. tuhan-tuhan (The Lords of The Worlds)termasuk di antaranya Allah, YHWH, Brahman, atau dewa-dewi agama lain...

dia mencela Tuhan dan orang beriman, bahwa ketika orang-orang beriman meminta petunjuk jalan yang lurus, dia malah meminta jalan yang dimurkai dan jalan yang sesat...

kemudian, pada rima kedua, adalah jawaban Tuhan dari celaan si kafir itu, yaitu dari petikan dari Surah Al-Baqarah: 6,

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْهِمْ أَأَنْذَرْتَهُمْ أَمْ لَمْ تُنْذِرْهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
innalladziina kafaruu sawaa'un 'alayhim a'andzartahum am lam tundzirhum laa yu'minuun

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir, sama saja bagi mereka, kamu beri peringatan atau tidak kamu beri peringatan, mereka tidak akan beriman"

dan potongan dari ayat 7:

وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
walahum 'adzaabun 'azhiim

"dan bagi mereka siksaan yang amat pedih"


O mankind.. (hai manusia)
Worship the god whom thou hast created (sembahlah tuhan yang telah kamu ciptakan) KATA "CREATED=CIPTAAN" BUKANNYA "CREATOR=MAHA PENCIPTA"  SEHARUSNYA AYATNYA INI “Hai manusia, sembahlah Tuhanmu Yang telah menciptakanmu dan orang-orang yang sebelummu agar kamu bertakwa.AL BAQARAH AYAT 21  
Who hast created thee (yang telah menciptakanmu)= SEHARUSNYA

And those who came before thee (dan orang-orang sebelummu)

O mankind.. (hai manusia)
Thou sons of simian ancestors (kamu anak dari nenek moyang yang seperti kera)
Guard yourself against the fire (jagalah dirimu sendiri terhadap neraka)
Prepared for disbelievers.. (yang disiapkan bagi orang-orang kafir)
Whose fuel is of men and stones (yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu)

SEHARUSNYA NI AYATNYA “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu dari api neraka…” (QS. At Tahrim 6)

rima pertama adalah godaan sang Iblis kepada manusia yang beriman, Iblis mengatakan manusia itu menyembah tuhan yang mereka buat sendiri berdasarkan pemikiran mereka... tapi godaan Iblis ini adalah plesetan dari Surah Al-Baqarah: 21

rima kedua dan ketiga adalah firman Tuhan potongan dari Surah At-Tahrim: 6 tapi kalimat "dan keluargamu" diganti "anak dari nenek moyang yg seperti kera"

jadi maksudnya, manusia dan keluarganya (monyet-monyet) harus menjaga diri dari api neraka.... (TEORI KEBODOHAN DARWIN, SEOLAH2 PERCAYA  BAHWA TIDAK ADA TUHAN )

banyak anak metal di tanah air (Muslim yg masih beriman lho) beranggapan bahwa lirik ini menyindir teori Darwin, padahal sebenernya lirik ini mendukung teori Darwin... coba perhatikan kalimatnya dari awal ampe abis, apalagi ini diplesetin...
Nah, sekarang intinya adalah , metal ya metal, tapi jangan jadi metal yang bodoh yang dengan mudah dibodohi ! kayak anak anak labil jaman sekarang yang metalnya cuman ikut ikutan (uuuupppsssss)..
lebih selektif lagi lah kawan !!






 Gerakan mengocok kepala ke atas dan bawah pada musik Rock dan Heavy Metal yang disebut Headbanging ternyata berbahaya. Kelihatannya memang asyik dan seru untuk dipraktekkan, namun akibat yang ditimbulkan bukan main-main. Stroke dan cedera leher berat adalah beberapa dampak yang pasti dialami penggemar Headbanging.

Headbanging sendiri dibagi dalam beberapa macam gerakan. Seperti memutar searah, kiri dan kanan, setengah badan, full body dan atas bawah. Yang lebih gawatnya, yang melakukan Headbanging bukan cuma para musisi namun juga para fans juga ikut-ikutan ber Headbanging ria. Padahal, gerakan mengocok kepala itu bisa mengakibatkan luka serius pada kepala dan leher.

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dr Andrew McIntosh, pakar biomedical and injury di University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Penelitian tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa rata-rata lagu headbanging mempunyai tempo 146 beats per menit (bpm). Bahkan ada yang diatas 180 bpm. Hali itu dapat menyebabkan kepala pusing, terutama dengan gerakan 75 derajat ke atas dan bawah.

Sementara itu, risiko cedera leher dimulai saat tempo 130 bpm. Sebab, beats tersebut sudah melampaui limit toleransi manusia. Pantas saja headbanging di atas tempo 130 bpm dapat menyebabkan stroke.
Melihat betapa berbahayanya gerakan kocok kepala itu, McIntosh mewanti-wanti para headbangers. Mereka mengidentifikasikan terjadinya luka traumatik pada otak yang disebabkan headbanging. Mereka bahkan mengeluarkan peringatan ke publik luas mengenai headbanging ini layaknya peringatan merokok. saking gencarnya pesan itu, sampai muncul bahan bercandaan. Kalau memang ngotot ingin headbanging, lebih baik memakai neck braces alias penyangga leher yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah terjadinya luka.
Saran yang lebih serius, kurangi gerakan headbanging atau ganti tempo musik keras dengan yang lebih lambat. McIntosh merekomendasikan untuk mendengarkan musik-musik berirama normal.
Headbanging sudah memakan korban dan ada bukti nyata. Pada 2005 kemarin, Terry Balsamo sang gitaris Evanescence menderita stroke akibat headbanging. Selain itu banyak musisi seperti Craig Jones sampler Slipknot yang terkena salah urat leher akibat terlalu keras headbanging.

Biografi A Day To Remember

A Day To Remember  adalah Band Rock yang berasal dari Ocala, Florida. Didirikan pada 2003 oleh Gitaris Tom Denny dan Drummer Bobby Scruggs, band ini telah merilis empat album studio, sembilan single dan delapan video musik. Mereka menjadi meledak terkenal karena penggabungan yang tidak biasa dalam warna gaya bermusik, karna mereka menggabungkan gaya Metalcore dan Pop Punk yang di gabungkan menjadi satu dan hasilnya sangat keren.
Dan McKinnon adalah scream vokal A Day To Remember. Dengan Genre Metal Core, Post-Hardcore, dan juga Pop-Punk atau banyak juga yang sering menyebutnya EMO, Pastinya semua itu di dukung oleh suara vokalis kedua / backing vokal yang saat ini masih dipegang oleh Neil Westfall yang berposisi sebagai Rytm Guitar juga.
Dan seiring berjalanya waktu pada formasi awal mereka yakni : 
-Jeremy Mckinnon - Lead Vocals 
-Tom Denney - Lead Guitar Backing Vocal
-Neil Westfall - Gitar , Vokal Latar
-Joshua Woodard - Gitar Bass
-Brandon Roberts – Drum 

Dalam perjalanan karir di dunia music mereka mengalami perubahan pada posisi drum yang semula di isi Brandon Robert di gantikan oleh Bobby Scruggs, dan Bobby Scruggs mengisi posisi drum dari tahun 2003 yang akhirnya pada tahun 2006 di gantikan lagi posisinya oleh Alex Shelnutt hingga sekarang.
Pada Januari 2008 mereka melakukan tour ke inggris untuk pertama kalinya, dan pada tahun yang sama  di Kerrang! Awards 2008 mereka dinominasikan untuk kategori "Best International Newcomer" tapi sayang mereka kalah dari Black Tide (Band Heavy Metal dari Miami Florida).
Setelah itu, ‘’A Lengthy Tour’’-nya Band Silverstein (Band Post Hard-Core dari Burlington, Ontario, Kanada) mereka  main sebagai band pembuka bersama  The Devil Wears Prada, dan Protes Hero (tapi waktu turun tur digantikan oleh  A Lullaby Statis).
Mereka kemudian mereka main di Verizon Amphitheatre dalam acara yang bertajuk The Bamboozle Left  pada 6 April di Irvine, California, mereka juga main di Bamboozle Festival  di  East Rutherford, New Jersey pada tanggal 3 dan 4, serta di Download Festival di bulan Juni, dan tampil di Vans Warped Tour 2008 . Sebelum bermain Download Festival, mereka melakukan tur ke Inggris dengan The Devil Wears Prada dan Alesana di The Road To Download Tour.  Pada pertengahan 2008, mereka tampil juga di  "Tour Easycore" bersama dengan New Found Glory, Four Year Stronge, Crime In Stereo and International Superheroes Of Hardcore.
Memasuki tahun 2009 pergantian formasipun di lakukan karna Tom Denney – Lead Guitar Backing Vocal memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri dengan alasan ia ingin lebih fokus pada pernikahannya, keluarga,  studio rekamannya dan rencana untuk bersolo karir, Terlepas dari hengkangnya dari band, dia masih akan tetap menjadi bagian dari proses penulisan materi baru di A Day To Remember. Dan di gantikan oleh Kevin Skaff, mantan Personil dari Four Letter Lie (Post-Hardcore Band dari Minneapolis, Minnesota.
tanggal 16 Desember 2009, mereka merilis lagu liburan yang berorientasi sebagai single berjudul "Right Where You Want Me to Be" Sebuah video juga dibuat untuk lagu dan dirilis melalui SantaMosh.com.
Di awal tahun 2011 tepatnya tanggal 6 Januari, mereka memamerkan secara resmi video musik untuk single pertama yang diambil dari album, "All I Want" melalui MTV Premier. Seminggu setelahnya 11 Januari 2011, mereka membuat debut TV nasional mereka, saat melantukan lagu "All I Want" dan "Better Off This Way" di acara Jimmy Kimmel Live!.  Dan di lanjutkan Pada tanggal 7 Juni 2011, band ini merilis video musik untuk single kedua dari Album - "All Signs Point to Lauderdale". 

Dan formasi yang bertahan sampai saat ini adalah :
-Jeremy Mckinnon - Lead Vocals (Sejak 2003)
-Neil Westfall - Gitar , Vokal Latar (Sejak 2003)
-Joshua Woodard - Gitar Bass (Sejak 2003)
-Alex Shelnutt - Drum (Sejak 2006)
  -Kevin Skaff - Lead Guitar Backing Vocal, (Sejak 2009)


Lyrics A Day To Remember - Westfall

It's the start of a brand new day
And I'm struggling to stay awake
So I can just stumble outside

Losing hope and my whole life
I'm just scraping by
Hoping no one will notice me

Here I am again
Trying to give in
To another bitter end

I don't think it'd be wrong
To be alone tonight
Please make this all end

(And I'm watching the lights flow by)

Watching the cars pass
Thinking they won't last
Darkness clouds all of my windows
Darkness clouds all of my windows

Taking my last breath
Time flows out my chest
I have lost the will to be
I have lost the will to be

Here I am again
Trying to give in
To another bitter end

I don't think it'd be wrong
To be alone tonight
Please make this end

And I could've changed the world
with my accomplishments
And I could've changed the world
with my accomplishments

Here I am again
Trying to give in
To another bitter end

I don't think it'd be wrong
To be alone tonight
Please make this end

And I could've changed the world
With my accomplishments
And I could've changed the world
With my accomplishments
And I could've changed the world
With my accomplishments
And I could've changed the world
With my accomplishments

Lyrics A Day To Remember - It's Complicated

Here we go again, another night of being bummed.
I'll keep to myself, avoid the sun,
And cancel plans with everyone I know.
Cause this is how it always ends:
Our bond will break cause you can’t relate
To anyone, to anything at all.

You brought your worst and I’m right here.
Now I've seen it all, and it's never been so clear.

You’re not the person that I knew back then.
It’s all too late to set things straight cause everything has been.
Ynu’re not the person that I knew back then.
Let's try and act like this didn’t happen. 
Move on with your friends like you ever had them.

You still know me, still not cut out for this sort of thing.
Never one to be caught in between,
I need constant reminders of everything.
So what? It’s who I am, but I think I've played it off so well.
I just hold it in, no matter how I’ve been, 
So nobody, nobody can tell.

You brought your worst and I’m right here.
Now I've seen it all, and it's never been so clear.

You’re not the person that I knew back then.
It’s all too late to set things straight cause everything has been.
You’re not the person that I knew back then.
Let's try and act like this didn’t happen. 
Move on with your friends like you ever had them.

I won’t sleep till the break of dawn (break of dawn)
I can't let our problems find me here, so everybody come on!

You brought your worst and I’m right here.
I've seen it all, and it's never been so clear.

You’re not the person that I knew back then.
It’s all too late to set things straight cause everything has been.
You’re not the person that I knew back then.
Let's try and act like this didn’t happen. 
Move on with your friends like you ever had them.

You’re not the person that I knew back then.
It’s all too late to set things straight cause everything has been.
You’re not the person that I knew back then.
Let's try and act like this didn’t happen. 
Move on with your friends like you ever had them.

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Out Of Time

I’ve never felt so sober
I’ve never felt the low that I feel tonight
Your words made everything drag on and on
I finally found her,
and when I did I just couldn’t make things right.
Is this really happening?
Oh God I think I just ruined my life

What the fuck am I doing?
I can’t tell the difference from wrong and right
I second guess my decisions
Cause I haven’t been this person in my whole life
I think I need something new here
When I keep longing for what I had
No need for second opinions
I do the best I can to ruin what I have
Come on

Don’t think you’ve got to go it alone here
I’ve got nothing left to hide
You've got time, just make up your mind

I thought this was what you wanted
Someone who gets everything right (Gets everything right)
I thought this was what you wanted
Someone to put you first in their life
Cause we’re running out of time

Let's have three cheers for the new year
(Hey, hey, hey)
Here's to hoping it's not as bad
This wasn't part of my vision
The optimist in me swore we could make this last, but no
You ruined my favorite records
I listen to them and think of you
I just hope you remember
All of the countless times that I believed in you, for what?

Don’t think you’ve got to go it alone here
I’ve got nothing left to hide
You've got time, just make up your mind

I thought this was what you wanted
Someone who gets everything right (Gets everything right)
I thought this was what you wanted
Someone to put you first in their life
Cause we’re running out of time

Just know that it kills me
When I hear anything to do with you
If you don't see it, just believe me
I need to be right where you are
You know that I’m leaving (I'm leaving),
And you won't hear until a year from now
But this kills me (this kills me)
Cause now I hate that everything's, everything's about you

I thought this was what you wanted
Someone who gets everything right (Gets everything right)
I thought this was what you wanted
Someone to put you first in their life
Cause we’re running out of time

Don’t think you’ve got to go it alone here
I’ve got nothing left to hide
You've got time, just make up your mind

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Have Faith In Me

Have faith in me
Cause there are things that I've seen I don't believe
So cling to what you know and never let go
You should know things aren't always what they seem

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

I'm going crazy
Cause there are things in the streets I don't believe
So we'll pretend it's alright (pretend it's alright)
and stay in for the night
Oh what a world
I'll keep you safe here with me (with me)

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

They've got me on the outside, looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
They just wanna see me fall

They've got me on the outside, looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
They just wanna see me fall

Have faith in me

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did (Go, Did)
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it (Fall, Meant It)
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Here's To The Past

Here's to the past

Let's all think back on what brought us here
This is my grasp on what is real
Don't tell me how I feel
With all that's passed I can't relate
With myself from day to day
why does everything seem so far away
to me

There's no turning back from here
I've got to get away from everyone who's left
Everyone who's left
I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
They said we'd walk away
You'll never make it if you can't speak for yourself
they said we'd fade away

We've all been down this path before
You're trapped in this town
And it wears you down
When we leave today then maybe you'll understand
This constant struggle isn't always in the palm of my hand

There's no turning back from here
I've got to get away from everyone who's left
Everyone who's left
I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
They said we'd walk away
You'll never make it if you can't speak for yourself
they said we'd fade away

This man will stand the test of time
This man will stand the test of time
This man will stand the test of time
This man will stand the test of time

I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
I'll tell the saddest story
Of how we made it through this past year
(Past year, past year...)
They said we'd walk away
You'll never make it if you can't speak for yourself
they said we'd fade away

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Last Request

They noticed the ways you changed
Over the years that we've all stayed the same.
Look back through the past,
Yet, we all knew that you wouldn't last.

You see yourself in the puddles left from the rain,
And all to remember is your stain.
Just live your life. Live it for yourself and be happy.
So you're wrong in the way you wanted to be.
The only one who matters is you.

Now watch you slip away
To your ledge you've chosen finally.
You picked your role; you've played your part,
But what you didn't know this plays a tragedy.

You see yourself in the puddles left from the rain,
And all to remember is your stain.
Just live your life. Live it for yourself and be happy.
So you're wrong in the way you wanted to be.
The only one who matters is you.

What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where you were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where we were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where we were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where you were coming from.

'Cause it breaks my heart
'Cause it breaks my heart
'Cause it breaks my heart
'Cause it breaks...

Just live your life. Live it for yourself and be happy.
So you're wrong in the way you wanted to be.
The only one who matters is...

What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where you were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where we were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where we were coming from.
What you waiting for?
I bet you didn't know where we were coming from.

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Welcome To The Family

We're finally alone at last
Oh how I've waited for this day to come
There's just something about you that rubs me wrong
You're not worth my attention
I built this with my own two hands
If you could spare me the time
Stop using me as your next misconception

I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

It won't be long before you meet your end
You're nothing more than a passing trend
So keep those cameras rolling
You think I wouldn't remember?
You thought that I would lose faith in myself
You can spare me the lies
You don't believe in me
Your life's a contradiction

I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

We draw the line at being in your life
Here's to the man of the hour
We'll cast out problems aside
Cheers to your future, may they bury you alive


I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

I don't believe that everything
you've known about me is gone forever
And I won't forget the days
that we spent forever, it haunts me

Lyrics A Day To Remember - Heartless

For once my eyes are open to you, and everything you've said. 
For once your web of lies is in the open. 
I gave you everything I had, until I had nothing left. 
Now still you act as if I'm just a burden.
I've finally let go. Let go, let go.

Stay silent at least for now, and let me move on.
'Cause I'm so done playing these games with my heart 
I've been around the world and back for you, and now its time to choose.

I've been swallowed by this wreck that you call your life. 
I'm damaged from the inside. I've been broken. 
Don't threaten me with what you think I feel. 
If you could read my mind you'd be in tears.

I'm sick of your excuses you hold above me.
I've finally come to terms with what I am.
I'm nothing in your eyes, and this will not change.
I'm living in a dream.

Stay silent at least for now, and let me move on. 
'Cause I'm so done playing these games with my heart 
I've been around the world and back for you, and now its time to choose.

And I'll close my eyes, and I'll dream of a better time 
When I'll be finally past this and I'll be happy on my own. 
I've done all I can, and still I'm the one to be cast aside.
All I ever wanted to be was be the one who would wipe those tears from your eyes. 
But I guess I'll play second best, to a world that will never care about you. 
You'll never understand you're just another pretty face
You'll tell me that you care, and then run straight back to him. 
I can hear your voice of treason from a mile away.
You never did know how to whisper.

You're such a liar. Tell me the truth. 
You're such a liar. Tell me the truth. 
You're such a liar. Tell me the truth. 
Do the world a favor, stop cutting your arms, and slit your throat.

Lyrics A Day To Remember - A Second Glance

This is for you (this is for you).
You're the one worth waiting for.
You're all I ever needed in this life.

Let's take a look back, so we can see,
What it took to bring us here and we're
So reminded of better days,
When we were both happy.

This is for you (this is for you).
You're the one worth waiting for.
You're all I ever needed in this life. 

Words can't express,
the impact you've made on me,
And -- in my entire life.
And all I can say is that I love you,
For everything it turned out to be.

This is for you (this is for you).
You're the one worth waiting for.
You're all I ever needed in this life. 

Cause I try,
So hard to make this right (right).

You've got my back on the wall.

After all you've put me through,
My friends still stay true. 

Your reign is over,
Why couldn't you prove me wrong? 

Lyrics A Day To Remember - All I Want

I’m always screaming my lungs out
Till my head starts spinning
Playing my songs is the way I cope with life
Won’t keep my voice down
Know the words I speak are the thoughts I think out loud

I like to keep things honest.
I’m a safe bet like your life’s staked on it, for real
I’d hate to keep you all wondering
I’m a constant like the seasons 
I will never be forgotten, man

Let’s leave no words unspoken
And save regrets for the broken
Will you even look back when you think of me?

All I want is a place to call my own,
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low
Keep your hopes up high and your head down low

Still got something left to prove
It tends to keep things moving
While everyone around me says my last days are looming overhead
But what the hell do they think they know?
My head's above the water while they drown in the undertow

Let’s leave no words unspoken
And save regrets for the broken
Will you even look back when you think of me?

All I want is a place to call my own,
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low
All I want is a place to call my own,
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low

And if you take it from me,
Live your life for yourself
Cause when it’s all said and done you don’t need anyone else, come on

So let’s get back to when everything seemed perfect
Not a worry in the world, tell me was it all worth it?
I get what I want, so everyone’s always judging me
I’m not afraid of anything, I’ve got the whole world in front of me

All I want is a place to call my own,
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low
All I want is a place to call my own,
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low

Keep your head down low
Keep your head down low
Keep your hopes up high and your head down low

Biografi Asking Alexandria

Asking Alexandria adalah band Post-Hardcore/Metalcore Inggris yang berasal dari kota York, North Yorkshire. Di bentuk pada tahun 2008 ketika Ben Bruce »» Lead Guitar menghubungi kawan-kawan lamanya ketika dia kembali ke Inggris setelah tinggal di Dubai. Formasi grup ini adalah: Ben Bruce, Danny Worsnop, Cameron Liddell »» Rhythm Guitar, Sam Bettley »» Bass, dan James Cassells »» Drums.

Asking Alexandria mempunyai akar dari Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Dimana sang gitaris Ben Bruce membentuk sebuah band dan merilis satu full length album berjudul The Irony Of Your Perfection dan band ini di beri nama Asking Alexandria. Band ini tidak bertahan lama, mereka bubar, dan Ben Bruce mengatakan bahwa band nya yang di Dubai memakai nama Asking Alexandria gak lebih dari satu bulan, menyusul bubarnya band tersebut. Lagian band itu gak pernah mengadakan tur.

Pada tahun 2008 Bruce kembali ke Inggris, meninggalkan teman-teman mantan bandnya. Walaupun begitu Bruce gak pernah berniat menggantung karir musiknya karena gak lama setelah itu dia segera membentuk band lagi dengan anggota baru, dengan memutuskan untuk tetap mengusung nama Asking Alexandria. Bruce menyatakan bahwa dialah yang memberi nama Asking Alexandria kepada bandnnya, dan dia masih menyukainya serta makna dari nama ini masih teringat, dan oleh karena itu dia memutuskan untuk tetap memakai nama ini dalam proyek baru nya ini. Dia juga mengatakan dalam sebuah posting blog bahwa Asking Alexandria yang sekarang bukan lah Asking Alexandria yang sama dengan yang merilis album The Irony Of Your Perfection. Baik itu dalam gaya maupun para anggotanya, lagian mereka adalah dua band yang berbeda.

Band ini semenjak di bentuk pada tahun 2008 telah mengalami beberapa kali pergantian anggota, termasuk dari beranggotakan enam orang menjadi beranggotakan lima orang, dengan cabut nya sang Synthesist Ryans Binns. Pergantian terakhir yang di ketahui adalah bassist Sam Bettley, yang menggantikan Joey Lankaster pada bulan Januari 2009. Lancaster ikut manggung terakhir adalah di kampung halaman mereka York pada acara Fibbers tanggal 4 Januari. Mereka berangkat ke Amerika Serikat sehari setelah show tersebut untuk mempromosikan musik mereka melalui show-show yang akan di adakan, sekalian untuk persiapan perekaman debut album mereka.

Setelah melewati tahun 2008 dan bulan-bulan pertama tahun 2009 dengan tur, mereka merekam album studio debut mereka antara 19 Mei dan 16 Juni 2009 di The Foundation Recording Studio di kota Connersville, Indiana, Amerika Serikat dengan Joey Sturgis sebagai produser mereka. Mereka menandatangani kontrak dengan Sumerian Records setelah perekaman album selesai, dan mereka merilis Stand up And Scream pada tanggal 15 September 2009 melalui label baru mereka. Mereka sepanjang tahun 2009 memfokuskan diri untuk mendulang sukses di AMerika. Mereka ikut turing dengan band-band terkenal seperti Alesana, Enter Shikari, The Bled, dan Evergreen Terrace, dan banyak lagi.

Pada tanggal 22 Desember 2009, mereka mengumumkan bahwa mereka bersiap mengerjakan album kedua mereka pada bulan Januari. juga di umumkan bahwa merekan akan masuk studio pada 1 September lagi-lagi dengan produser Joey Sturgis. Kemudian melalui twitter mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka mampu masuk studio pada tanggal 22 Juni 2010. Mereka kemudian mengkonfirmasi melalui sebuah interview dengan Shred News bahwa album ini di jadwalkan akan di rilis pada awal 2011 dan di rencanakan album ini mengandung 12 lagu baru. pada wawancara ynag sama, mereka mengatakan judul album ini belum stabil, masih berubah-ubah. Pada wawancara berikutnya mereka mengatakan bahwa album ini mungkin sudah bisa di pre-order pada bulan November 2010, dan akan tersedia pada awal tahun 2011. Satu lagu Breathless sudah dimainkan live dan bisa ditemukan di Youtube. Danny juga merilis lirik-lirik dari album ini walau dia tidak mengatakan dari lagu mana saja lirik-lirik itu berasal.

Pada bulan Maret mereka merangsek keluar untuk mengadakan tur di tahun baru ini, yang kemudian membawa mereka ke amerika Utara, kali ini bersama band Attack! attack!, Breathe carolina, band satu label mereka yaitu I ee Stars, dan bintang baru Metalcore dari Inggris Bury Tomorrow. Tur ini membawa mereka sampai ke bulan April, berakhir sepuluh hari sebelum mereka bersiap untuk tur Eropa pertama mereka dengan Dance Gavin Dance dan untuk Fear and Faith, yang termasuk didalamnya mereka akan tampil di acara festival tahunan Groezrock. mereka memutuskan untuk tidak melajutkan tur eropa mereka dua hari sebelum benar-benar berakhir untuk tampil di festival The Bamboozle di kota New Jersey.

Mereka mengumumkan tur headlining pertama mereka pada tanggal 2 Maret 2010, yang bertempat di North America. Band-band pendukung untuk tur ini juga di umumkan seperti We Came As Romans, From First To Last, Our Last Night, dan A Bullet For Pretty Boy. Bruce juga mengkonfirmasi pada sebuah wawancara dengan Inside Heavy bahwa mereka akan tampil di festival Thrash And Burn sebagai band pendukung utama, walaupun dia tidak mengatakan band apa saja lagi yang ikut tampil di acara itu. Kemudian di umukan bahwa Asking Alexandria akan di temani oleh Born Of Osiris di acara tersebut.

Sejak penampilan mereka di tur Thrash And Burn mereka membawakan lagu Breathless yang di masukkan ke dalam album kedua mereka reckless & Relentless. Mereka juga merekam versi kover dari lagu Right Now (na na na) nya Akon yang di rilis pada Punk Goes pop 3 pada bulan November 2010.Selama show di Las Cruces, New Mexico, pada tur Short but Sweet yang di laksanakan pada awal Oktober, mereka di tanyakan tentang album dan musik video mereka yang akan datang. Bruce menjawab dengan detil hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan album dan musik vidoe mereka tersebut. reckless & Relentless akan bisa di pre-order pada bulan Desember, dan akan di rilis pada bulan Februari. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa mereka akan merilis ulang stand Up And Scream dan termasuk kedalamnya sebuah bonus DVD yang akan mempunyai live video dari lagu If You Can’t Ride Two Horses At Once… Then You Should Get Out Of The Circus Mereka juga sedang mempersiapkan sebuah musik video untuk lagu A Prophecy yang akan di masukkan kedalam bonus DVD ini jika selesai tepat waktu.

Pada tanggal 23 November 2010, Asking Alexandria menambahkan sebuah EP (mini album) yang di beri judul Live Gone Wild untuk pre-order, yang di rencanakan akan di rilis pada tanggal 21 Desember 2010. EP ini berisi lagu baru Breathless dubstep remixes untuk A Single Moment Of Sincerity, dan Not The American Average , dua lagu kover Skid Row 18 And Life dan Youth Gone Wild, dan sebuah demo yang belum di rilis If Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King.

Di umumkan bahwa penerbitan ulang dari Stand Up And Scream yang seharusnya di rilis pada tanggal 16 November 2010, kemudian tanggal 21 Desember, kemudian di undur lagi tanggal 22 Maret dan di undur agi sampai pada musim panas 2011dan akan di beri judul Stepped Up and Scratched. Semua lgu di debut album akan ada disini dengan kover art work yang baru dan paket yang baru juga. Mereka mengumumkan ini hampir di setiap show mereka di Inggris dan akan di bawakan di acara Mice And Men dan Chealsea Grin.

Pada tanggal 5 April 2011, Reckless & Relentless di rilis seperti yang di rencanakan. Pada tanggal 11 April 2011 mereka membuat debut tampil di TV nasional, mereka membawakan lagu Someone, Somewhere, dan Closure pada acara Jimmy Kimmel Live!. Pada tanggal 5 Juli 2011, mereka merilis musik video untuk lagu Closure single pertama dari album Reckless & Relentless di sutradarai oleh Thunder Down Country. Pada tanggal 15 juli 2011, mereka merilis video musik untuk single ke dua To The Stage yang di sutradarai oleh Frankie Nasso. Pada tanggal 27 juli 2011, mereka mengumumkan jadwal tur mereka untuk 2012. Bruce juga mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara bahwa mereka akan masuk studio pada bulan Maret 2012 untuk menulis lagu dan perekaman album berikutnya.

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Right Now (Na Na Na)

It's been so long
that I haven't seen your face
I'm trying to be strong
but the strength I have is washing away
It won't be long
before I get you by my side
and just hold you, tease you, squeeze you, tell you what's been on my mind

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na

Girl I know, mistakes were made between us two
and we showed
ourselves that night, even said somethings weren't true
Why'd you go
and haven't seen my girl since then?
Why can't it be the way it was
cause you were my homie, lover, and friend?

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na

I can't lie (Miss you much)
Watching everyday that goes by (I miss you much)
till I get you back I'm gon' try (Yes, I miss you much)
cuz you are the apple of my eye (Girl, I miss you much)
I can't lie (I miss you much)
Watching everyday that goes by (I miss you much)
till I get you back I'm gon' try (Yes, I miss you much)
cuz you are the apple of my eye (Girl, I miss you much)

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na

I want you to fly with me (Want you to fly)
I miss how you lie with me (Miss how you lie)
Just wish you could dine with me (Wish you could dine with me)
The one that'll grind with me (Said the one that will grind with me)
I want you to fly with me (Want you to fly)
I miss how you lie with me (Miss how you lie)
Just wish you could dine with me (Wish you could dine with me)
The one that'll grind with me (Said the one that will grind with me)

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make up right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
We need to link up right now na na

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - A Single Moment Of Sincerity

False tales,
Lies of a washed up prom queen!
Why'd you tell me
Everything was fine?
Everything was okay?

Get on your knees, oh!
Oh, why?
Tear me up!
No, why?
Everything's dead inside!
Oh, you could've told me,
at least I would've known!
No, you should've told me
and carved it in my bones!

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - To The Stage

I'm out the door, I'm on my ass again like every night before
I'm off the wall, out of my fucking mind, I'm out of control
I'll be the end of her, I'm in her head and in control
She's let me in, now take a sip and let the show begin
The floor's all yours, the house is full
You've made the slip now take the fall
I pull your strings, you're too deep in
So will she sink or swim

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Nobody Don't Dance No More

I’m alive
I'm alive

Watch yourself, I’m taking over
The cracks in the pavement won’t break my stride
I tred lightly
I tred lightly

I’m alive
I can’t believe what I’ve become
I won’t stop breathing
Your world is falling at your feet
I won’t stop breathing
I'm alive
Oh my god
I can’t believe what I’ve become
I won’t stop breathing
Your world is falling at your feet
I won’t stop breathing

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Not The American Average

1, 2, 3, 4!
(All the things that she said, was it all in my head?)

Come on, baby,
Keep it down.
Honey, hush your lips.
Clothes trailing
From the backdoor
To the bedroom
And I don't even know your name.
Give me all you've got.
Make this night worth my time,
Make this worth my time (oh!)

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Someone, Somewhere

(Even though I'm on my own)
(I know I'm not alone)
(Cause I know there's someone, somewhere)
(Praying that I'll make it home)
(So here's one from the heart)
(A life line from the start)
(I need a home sweet home)
(To call my own)

It was you
If only I could do this
You put the music in my heart
Now I'm singing with a band in Memphis
It's hard just, to be strong
Not knowing if, I've done you wrong
I want to imagine
A smile when you hear my songs

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Morte et Dabo

So he came forth and said onto me
Son, you are forsaken
Condemned for the sins that you live
I offer you forgiveness [x2]

Bow down before me
I will never bow to he who claims to be divine
I'll tear down your gates with my bare fucking hands
And burn the world that you rule over
No matter how convinced you are, you're not a god of mine

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - A Prophecy

How stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away?
Or just a gentle reminder that now are better days?

We'll be home soon, so dry your eyes,
You'll be okay (you'll be okay!)
Oh my God!
The water is rising!
It's rising!
You just have to believe in me!
Failing that I'll ride this storm alone!

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - A Candleit Dinner With Inamorta

This isn't over, baby, don't believe a word they said!
But then,
She takes a moment to ponder,
To wonder what could've been given another chance!
To find a light in the darkness and a way out of this!
If only she could see what I could see!

She takes a moment to stumble to her feet.
If only I was there to hold her hand.
If only she saw what I saw,
She'd get out of this one!
She'd get out of here!

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Breathless

Get the fuck away from me!

I know that I have done wrong and continue to do so but without remorse
I know that I am on a fast track to the grave and I'm headed there alone
I struggle to find myself this time
Save yourself for a man with a conscience
I fight to find myself this time
Save yourself for a man that is not me

I spend my days looking through pages
Tryin to find a way, to get away from me
A lot to give that leaves you breathless
Now all I need to find, a way back inside my mind.
I don't want to leave you breathless
When will you realize
I don't want to leave you breathless
When will you realize
I don't want to leave you breathless
When will you save yourself

Lyrics Asking Alexandria - Final Episode

Oh my God.
Oh my God.
If only he knew,
If only he knew,
If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies,
We could have saved him.
They could have saved me.
But instead I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind,
And I'll be damned if you're the death of me.

Blood and ink stain the walls.
Silently with bloody knuckles, I carry on
Hoping it's not too wrong.
You said the nights were far too long.
'Honey, it's just the start of it.'